marks blond project - r.F.Z.K.

18. marc themann (new york)

«made while listening»

28.10 - 02.11.2004



installation «made while listening» (photo: david aebi)



Across the back wall of the project space, a text in English and German, is visible through the window. In large letters (one or two letters per A4 sheet), the text spreads across numerous pages. These standard A4 pages are situated in relation to the limits, of the interior of MARCS BLOND PROJECT (Space). They are fixed to the wall with blue adhesive tape. Viewing is possible (only), through the window, on a 24 hour basis. MARCS BLOND PROJECT (Space) itself remains locked and is illuminated day and night. (marc themann)





© 2004-2006 marks blond project